Monday, April 27, 2009

Jews and Pop Culture

It has come to my attention that someone made a blog designed to compare the Harry Potter series to the Torah. He compares several incidents in the books that somehow relate to the stories in Judaism. At first I was very confused at how he managed to do this but then I thought about it and realized that this was someone trying to incorporate Judaism into pop culture. I think this is designed to get young people interested in Judaism by saying it relates to something popular. I wonder if there is a blog out there comparing Star Wars and Judaism (I know people have written papers that compare Star Wars and Daoism). This seems like exploiting young people but I guess if it gets them excited about their religion and makes it fun then I have no complaints. However, if you're getting into your religion simply as part of your own fascination with a favorite franchise then I feel something isn't quite right.

Then again, I loved Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc (features the Ark of the Covenant that contained the 10 commandments) that was doing the same thing so maybe I am talking out of my ass.

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